Change of my last name
To change the last name, you've used to register your account, please send your request, from your email registered in your account, to together with the ID or other document certifying the change of your name.
Changing my phone number
To change the phone number please click on the icon next to your username then go to MY ACCOUNT.
Select EDIT, enter the new phone number in the field below the current phone number then tap SAVE.
Changing of my email address
1. To adjust a typo in the domain name (i.e. @gmil, @homail), please contact our customer support to assist you with this change.
2. To adjust a typo in your email name, please send a request tofrom your new email address, providing the following:
✓ Username for your account
✓ Old email address
✓ New email address
✓ The reason for changing the email address
✓ A color copy of the ID card (clear, with all visible data).
3. To change your email address, please send a request tofrom your new email address, providing the following:
✓ Username for your account
✓ Old email address
✓ New email address
✓ The reason for changing the email address
✓ A color copy of the ID card (clear, with all visible data).
✓ Selfie holding the ID (front visible), if you are not a verified account yet.
All the documents we ask for, help us secure your player account and protect your personal data.
Changing of my Home address:
To change your home address, contact our customer support and send a bank statement showing the new address, your name and CPF.
Changing my username:
Username cannot be changed, it is unique.
Changing the Pix account:
To increase player security and standardize the withdrawal format with our partners, we currently only accept the CPF as a PIX key. There are no changes expected in this format.
Change of date of birth
During the registration process, our system verifies if the date of birth is matching with the CPF. Therefore, this process avoid any kind of mistake.